End of Summer Collection

End of Summer Collection

“One must maintain a little bit of summer, even in the middle of winter.”Henry David Thoreau.

The End of Summer Collection.


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There is nothing quite like summer in the PNW. The pleasant and mostly mild weather. The abundance of new life everywhere. The flowers in bloom, the vegetables eaten fresh from the garden. Watching wildlife busy foraging and enjoying the bounties. A vibrant season brimming with energy. 
In honor of my favorite season, I forged a small collection featuring some of summer’s star players. Hummingbirds, a honeybee, dragonflies and echinacea. Vibrant turquoise, honey colored amber and soft lavender phosphosiderite. 

This collection is releasing on the official last day of summer and the beginning of Autumn. 
The End of Summer collection. An ode to the last days of summertime. Until its happy return, some talismans to carry with you- reminders of summer’s glorious bounties.
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